Traffic Monitoring REST API
This project was developed as part of a technical challenge for a job interview. Its primary objective was to have a REST API using Django Rest Framework that serves as the backbone for a road traffic monitoring dashboard, allowing for informed decision-making regarding the traffic intensity recorded on local road segments.
In our world of ever-increasing urbanisation and traffic congestion, having real-time insights into road traffic conditions is crucial. This project addresses this need by providing a comprehensive set of data points for assessing traffic conditions and making informed decisions.
Key Features
The API focuses on geographical representations of road segments, offering the following information:
1. Road Segments
- Overview of all road segments, with the count of traffic readings through that segment.
- Detailed view on individual road segments, with the all of the data from the traffic readings recorded in that segment.
- Specific views that only display data according to the last traffic reading's intensity (high, medium or low).
2. Traffic Readings
- Overview of all traffic readings, their intensity (calculated based on the speed), and the road segment in which it was recorded.
- Specific views that only display traffic readings according to their intensity (high, medium or low).
3. Sensors
- Overview of all sensors available, with their id, name and uuid.
- Overview of all registered sensor readings, indicating the road segment id, the car license plate and the timestamp.
4. Cars
- Overview of all cars that were registered through a sensor reading.
- Detailed view on individual cars (through id or license plate), indicating the car details, and its sensor readings from the last 24h, including data from the road segment and sensor.
To be able to run this API project, I used the following:
- Python (version 3.11.5)
- Django (version 4.2.7)
- Django Rest Framework (version 3.14)
- PostgreSQL (version 16.0)
- psycopg (version 2.9.9)
- drf-yasg (version 1.21.7)
Get the API
To get this project you can head on to my GitHub repository. There you will find the complete project, as well as instructions on how to set it up and get it running.
Code explained
Developing this project was not as straightforward as the following code snippets, and also not in the order I will be presenting. I am following this structure to be easier to grasp how it is working.
Imports necessary for the traffic_api/
from django.db.models import Model, FloatField, AutoField, DateTimeField, CharField, UUIDField, ForeignKey, CASCADE
from .traffic_api_helpers import get_intensity
In this file I defined the models for road segments, traffic readings, sensors, sensor readings and cars:
1 - ROAD SEGMENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------
class RoadSegments(Model):
id = AutoField(primary_key=True)
long_start = FloatField()
lat_start = FloatField()
long_end = FloatField()
lat_end = FloatField()
length = FloatField()
def __str__(self):
return str(
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not
# Get the latest id from existing recordings and increment by 1
last_route = RoadSegments.objects.order_by('-id').first()
if last_route: = + 1
else: = 1
super(RoadSegments, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
This model has the fields necessary to identify a road segment, and two methods that override their defaults:
- The
method, to provide a human-readable string representation of the model instance. - The
method, to check if the road segment is a new instance, and set the correct value for the id. This should be done automatically, but I was getting id conflicts when trying to create new road segments and couldn’t figure out why, so I decided to override it.
# 2 - TRAFFIC READINGS -----------------------------------------------------------------
class TrafficReadings(Model):
id = AutoField(primary_key=True)
speed = FloatField(null=True, blank=True)
road_segment_id = ForeignKey(RoadSegments, on_delete=CASCADE)
def __str__(self):
return str(
def intensity(self):
return self.get_intensity(self.speed)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not
# Get the latest id from existing recordings and increment by 1
last_route = TrafficReadings.objects.order_by('-id').first()
if last_route: = + 1
else: = 1
super(TrafficReadings, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
This model has the fields necessary to identify a traffic reading (including a foreign key to connect to a road segment), the same two overriding methods as the previous model, and the intensity
This method is decorated with @property
to be accessed like an attribute, and provides a calculated property based on the speed
field. get_intensity
is a function defined in the file
from traffic_monitoring.settings import LOW_SPEED_THRESHOLD, HIGH_SPEED_THRESHOLD
def get_intensity(speed):
if speed is not None:
intensity = "High"
intensity = "Medium"
intensity = "Low"
return intensity
return 'No Data'
This function uses the global variables for speed thresholds, and assigns the intensity according to the speed registered.
# 3 - SENSORS --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Sensors(Model):
id = AutoField(primary_key=True)
name = CharField(max_length=100)
uuid = UUIDField()
def __str__(self):
return str(
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not
# Get the latest id from existing recordings and increment by 1
last_route = Sensors.objects.order_by('-id').first()
if last_route: = + 1
else: = 1
super(Sensors, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
This model has the fields necessary to identify a sensor, and the same two overriding methods as the previous models.
# 4 - CARS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Cars(Model):
id = AutoField(primary_key=True)
car_license_plate = CharField(max_length=6)
created_at = DateTimeField()
def sensor_readings(self):
return SensorReadings.objects.filter(car_license_plate=self.value)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.car_license_plate)
This model has the fields necessary to identify a car, the same __str__
overriding method as the previous models, and the sensor_readings
This method is decorated with @property
to be accessed as an attribute, and retrieves sensor readings associated with the car’s license plate.
# 5 - SENSOR READINGS ------------------------------------------------------------------
class SensorReadings(Model):
id = AutoField(primary_key=True)
road_segment_id = ForeignKey(RoadSegments, on_delete=CASCADE)
car_license_plate = ForeignKey(Cars, on_delete=CASCADE)
timestamp = DateTimeField()
sensor_uuid = ForeignKey(Sensors, on_delete=CASCADE)
def __str__(self):
return str(
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not
# Get the latest id from existing recordings and increment by 1
last_route = SensorReadings.objects.order_by('-id').first()
if last_route: = + 1
else: = 1
super(SensorReadings, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
This model has the fields necessary to identify a sensor reading (including a foreign keys to connect to road segments, cars and sensors), and the same two overriding methods as the previous models.
Imports necessary for the traffic_api/
from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer, SerializerMethodField, CharField, PrimaryKeyRelatedField, FloatField
from django.utils import timezone
from .models import TrafficReadings, RoadSegments, Sensors, Cars, SensorReadings
from .traffic_api_helpers import get_intensity
This file has 8 serializers to get and create data from the models. Starting with traffic readings:
class TrafficReadingsSerializer(ModelSerializer):
road_segment_id = PrimaryKeyRelatedField(queryset=RoadSegments.objects.all())
intensity = SerializerMethodField()
def get_intensity(self, obj):
return get_intensity(obj.speed)
class Meta:
model = TrafficReadings
fields = ['id', 'intensity', 'speed', 'road_segment_id']
This serializer specifies the TrafficReadings model and the fields that should be included in the output. These include a primary key related field that represents a foreign key relationship with road segments, and a serializer method field that does not correspond directly to a model field (it is used to calculate and represent the intensity of traffic based on the speed field).
class CreateTrafficReadingSerializer(ModelSerializer):
speed = FloatField()
road_segment_id = PrimaryKeyRelatedField(queryset=RoadSegments.objects.all())
class Meta:
model = TrafficReadings
fields = ['id', 'speed', 'road_segment_id']
def create(self, validated_data):
# Removes the ‘speed’ and ‘road_segment_id’ fields from the validated data
speed = validated_data.pop('speed')
road_segment_id = validated_data.pop('road_segment_id')
# Create a new instance just with these speed and road_segment_id
new_traffic_reading = TrafficReadings.objects.create(speed=speed, road_segment_id=road_segment_id)
return new_traffic_reading
This serializer specifies the TrafficReadings model and the fields that should be included in the output (including a primary key related field that represents a foreign key relationship with road segments).
It also overrides the create
method so that the intensity property is not involved when creating a new instance.
class RoadSegmentsSerializer(ModelSerializer):
traffic_readings = TrafficReadingsSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
traffic_readings_count = SerializerMethodField()
def get_traffic_readings_count(self, obj):
count = obj.trafficreadings_set.count()
return count
class Meta:
model = RoadSegments
fields = ['id', 'long_start', 'lat_start', 'long_end', 'lat_end', 'length', 'traffic_readings_count', 'traffic_readings']
This serializer specifies the RoadSegments model and the fields that should be included in the output. These include a nested serializer for the related TrafficReadings instances, and a serializer method field to count all traffic readings associated with the instance of road segment.
class CreateRoadSegmentSerializer(ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = RoadSegments
fields = ['id', 'long_start', 'lat_start', 'long_end', 'lat_end', 'length']
This serializer only specifies the RoadSegments model and the fields that should be included in the output.
class SensorsSerializer(ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Sensors
fields = ['id', 'name', 'uuid']
This serializer only specifies the Sensors model and the fields that should be included in the output.
class SensorReadingsSerializer(ModelSerializer):
car_license_plate = PrimaryKeyRelatedField(queryset=Cars.objects.all())
road_segment_id = PrimaryKeyRelatedField(queryset=RoadSegments.objects.all())
sensor_uuid = PrimaryKeyRelatedField(queryset=Sensors.objects.all())
class Meta:
model = SensorReadings
fields = ['id', 'road_segment_id', 'car_license_plate', 'timestamp', 'sensor_uuid']
This serializer specifies the SensorReadings model and the fields that should be included in the output, including primary key related fields that represent foreign key relationship with road segments, cars and sensors.
class CreateSensorReadingSerializer(ModelSerializer):
car_license_plate = CharField(max_length=6)
timestamp = DateTimeField()
class Meta:
model = SensorReadings
fields = ['car_license_plate', 'timestamp', 'road_segment_id', 'sensor_uuid']
def create(self, validated_data):
car_license_plate = validated_data.get('car_license_plate')
timestamp = validated_data.get('timestamp')
cars, created = Cars.objects.get_or_create(car_license_plate=car_license_plate, defaults={'created_at': timestamp})
# Set timestamp to the current time
validated_data['timestamp'] =
validated_data['car_license_plate'] = cars
sensor_reading = SensorReadings.objects.create(**validated_data)
return sensor_reading
This serializer specifies the SensorReadings model and the fields that should be included in the output.
It also overrides the create
method to check if the license plate detected by the sensor reading already exists in the Cars model. If it is a new car, it is added to the model.
# 8 - GET CARS
class CarsSerializer(ModelSerializer):
sensor_readings = SensorReadingsSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
road_segments = RoadSegmentsSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
sensors = SensorsSerializer(many=True, read_only=True)
class Meta:
model = Cars
fields = ['id', 'car_license_plate', 'created_at', 'sensor_readings', 'road_segments', 'sensors']
This serializer specifies the Cars model and the fields that should be included in the output, including nested serializers for the related instances of sensor readings, road segments and sensors.
Imports necessary for the traffic_api/
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.generics import ListAPIView, RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView, CreateAPIView, RetrieveAPIView
from rest_framework.response import Response
from django.utils import timezone
from django.db.models import Q, OuterRef, Subquery, F
from datetime import timedelta
from traffic_monitoring.settings import LOW_SPEED_THRESHOLD, HIGH_SPEED_THRESHOLD
from .permissions import IsAdminOrReadOnly, IsAnonymousReadOnly, HasAPIKey
from .models import TrafficReadings, RoadSegments, Sensors, SensorReadings, Cars
from .serializers import TrafficReadingsSerializer, CreateTrafficReadingSerializer, RoadSegmentsSerializer, CreateRoadSegmentSerializer, SensorsSerializer, SensorReadingsSerializer, CreateSensorReadingSerializer, CarsSerializer
This file has a total of 19 views. Starting with traffic readings:
class TrafficReadingsView(ListAPIView):
queryset = TrafficReadings.objects.all()
serializer_class = TrafficReadingsSerializer
This read-only view queries a list of all TrafficReadings instances, and specifies that the data should be serialized by TrafficReadingsSerializer.
class TrafficReadingsUpdateView(RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView):
def get_permissions(self):
if self.request.user.is_staff:
return [IsAdminOrReadOnly()]
return [IsAnonymousReadOnly()]
queryset = TrafficReadings.objects.all()
serializer_class = TrafficReadingsSerializer
This view has a function to set permissions because it is capable of updating and deleting instances. It also queries a list of all TrafficReadings instances, and specifies that the data should be serialized by TrafficReadingsSerializer.
The permissions functions are set in traffic_api/
as follows:
from rest_framework import permissions
# Class to allow admin users to perform any action, while it allows all other users to perform read-only actions
class IsAdminOrReadOnly(permissions.BasePermission):
def has_permission(self, request, view):
# Allow read-only access to all users
if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS:
return True
# Allow admin users to perform any action
return request.user and request.user.is_staff
# Class to allow read-only actions to all users, including anonymous users
class IsAnonymousReadOnly(permissions.BasePermission):
def has_permission(self, request, view):
# Allow read-only access to all users
if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS:
return True
return False
Basically, these functions determine if the user is anonymous, registered or the admin, and sets read-only permissions to anyone who is not admin.
class HighIntensityTrafficReadingsView(ListAPIView):
queryset = TrafficReadings.objects.filter(speed__lte = LOW_SPEED_THRESHOLD)
serializer_class = TrafficReadingsSerializer
This read-only view queries a list of all TrafficReadings instances that have speed values lower than or equal to the low speed threshold, and specifies that the data should be serialized by TrafficReadingsSerializer.
The same logic applies to views #4 and #5, which are for medium and low intensity traffic readings, respectively.
# 6 - CREATE TRAFFIC READING (only for admin use)
class CreateTrafficReadingView(CreateAPIView):
queryset = TrafficReadings.objects.all()
serializer_class = CreateTrafficReadingSerializer
def get_permissions(self):
if self.request.user.is_staff:
return [IsAdminOrReadOnly()]
return [IsAnonymousReadOnly()]
This view has a function to set permissions because it is capable of creating instances. It also queries a list of all TrafficReadings instances, and specifies that the data should be serialized by CreateTrafficReadingSerializer.
class RoadSegmentsView(ListAPIView):
queryset = RoadSegments.objects.all()
serializer_class = RoadSegmentsSerializer
This read-only view queries a list of all RoadSegments instances, and specifies that the data should be serialized by RoadSegmentsSerializer.
class RoadSegmentsUpdateView(RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView):
queryset = RoadSegments.objects.all()
serializer_class = RoadSegmentsSerializer
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
instance = self.get_object()
serializer = self.get_serializer(instance)
traffic_readings = instance.trafficreadings_set.all()
traffic_readings_serializer = TrafficReadingsSerializer(traffic_readings, many=True)
return Response({'road_segment':, 'traffic_readings':})
def get_permissions(self):
if self.request.user.is_staff:
return [IsAdminOrReadOnly()]
return [IsAnonymousReadOnly()]
This view has a function to set permissions because it is capable of updating and deleting instances. It also queries a list of all RoadSegments instances, and specifies that the data should be serialized by RoadSegmentsSerializer.
It also overrides the get
method so that this view displays not only the road segments, but also the traffic readings associated with each road segment.
class HighIntensityRoadSegmentsView(ListAPIView):
def get_queryset(self):
# Get the latest TrafficReading for each RoadSegment
latest_readings = TrafficReadings.objects.filter(id=OuterRef('pk')).order_by('-id')
# Get all road segments where the latest traffic reading has high intensity
high_intensity_road_segments = RoadSegments.objects.annotate(latest_reading_id=Subquery(latest_readings.values('id')[:1])
).filter(Q(trafficreadings__id=F('latest_reading_id')) & Q(trafficreadings__speed__lte=LOW_SPEED_THRESHOLD))
return high_intensity_road_segments
def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
queryset = self.get_queryset()
# Serialize the road segments
serializer = RoadSegmentsSerializer(queryset, many=True)
return Response(
This view overrides the get_queryset
method to be able to apply a subquery. It uses two queries to get only road segments where the last traffic reading was recorded with high intensity.
The same logic applies to views #10 and #11, which are for medium and low intensity road segments, respectively.
# 12 - CREATE ROAD SEGMENT (only for admin use)
class CreateRoadSegmentView(CreateAPIView):
queryset = RoadSegments.objects.all()
serializer_class = CreateRoadSegmentSerializer
def get_permissions(self):
if self.request.user.is_staff:
return [IsAdminOrReadOnly()]
return [IsAnonymousReadOnly()]
This view has a function to set permissions because it is capable of creating instances. It also queries a list of all RoadSegments instances, and specifies that the data should be serialized by CreateRoadSegmentSerializer.
class SensorsView(ListAPIView):
queryset = Sensors.objects.all()
serializer_class = SensorsSerializer
This read-only view queries a list of all Sensors instances, and specifies that the data should be serialized by SensorsSerializer.
# 14 - UPDATE OR DELETE INDIVIDUAL SENSORS (only for admin use)
class SensorsUpdateView(RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView):
def get_permissions(self):
if self.request.user.is_staff:
return [IsAdminOrReadOnly()]
return [IsAnonymousReadOnly()]
queryset = Sensors.objects.all()
serializer_class = SensorsSerializer
This view has a function to set permissions because it is capable of updating and deleting instances. It also queries a list of all Sensors instances, and specifies that the data should be serialized by SensorsSerializer.
class SensorReadingsView(ListAPIView):
queryset = SensorReadings.objects.all()
serializer_class = SensorReadingsSerializer
This read-only view queries a list of all SensorReadings instances, and specifies that the data should be serialized by SensorReadingsSerializer.
class SensorReadingsUpdateView(RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView):
def get_permissions(self):
if self.request.user.is_staff:
return [IsAdminOrReadOnly()]
return [IsAnonymousReadOnly()]
queryset = SensorReadings.objects.all()
serializer_class = SensorReadingsSerializer
This view has a function to set permissions because it is capable of updating and deleting instances. It also queries a list of all SensorReadings instances, and specifies that the data should be serialized by SensorReadingsSerializer.
# 17 - CREATE NEW SENSOR READING (for admin use only)
class CreateSensorReadingView(CreateAPIView):
query_set = SensorReadings.objects.all()
serializer_class = CreateSensorReadingSerializer
permission_classes = [IsAdminOrReadOnly]
This view has a function to set permissions because it is capable of creating instances. It also queries a list of all SensorReadings instances, and specifies that the data should be serialized by CreateSensorReadingSerializer.
# 18 - ALL CARS
class CarsView(ListAPIView):
queryset = Cars.objects.all()
serializer_class = CarsSerializer
This read-only view queries a list of all Cars instances, and specifies that the data should be serialized by CarsSerializer.
class CarDetailsView(RetrieveAPIView):
queryset = Cars.objects.all()
serializer_class = CarsSerializer
def get(self, request, car_license_plate, *args, **kwargs):
license_plate = car_license_plate
cars = Cars.objects.filter(Q(car_license_plate__icontains=license_plate))
serializer = CarsSerializer(cars, many=True)
car_instance = cars.first()
# Filter sensor readings for the last 24 hours
cutoff_time = - timedelta(hours=24)
sensor_readings = car_instance.sensorreadings_set.filter(timestamp__gte=cutoff_time)
sensor_readings_serializer = SensorReadingsSerializer(sensor_readings, many=True)
# Extract road segment and sensor IDs from the filtered sensor readings
road_segment_ids = sensor_readings.values_list('road_segment_id', flat=True).distinct()
sensor_ids = sensor_readings.values_list('sensor_uuid', flat=True).distinct()
# Retrieve related road segments and sensors for the last 24 hours
road_segments_data = RoadSegments.objects.filter(id__in=road_segment_ids)
road_segments_serializer = RoadSegmentsSerializer(road_segments_data, many=True)
sensors_data = Sensors.objects.filter(id__in=sensor_ids)
sensors_serializer = SensorsSerializer(sensors_data, many=True)
return Response({
This object read-only view queries all Cars instances, and specifies that the data should be serialized by CarsSerializer.
It displays the car’s data and also overrides the get
method to get all sensor readings in the last 24 hours associated with the car instance. For those sensor readings, it displays the information about the road segment and sensor.
Imports necessary for the traffic_api/
from django.urls import path
from .views import TrafficReadingsView, TrafficReadingsUpdateView, CreateTrafficReadingView, HighIntensityTrafficReadingsView, MediumIntensityTrafficReadingsView, LowIntensityTrafficReadingsView, RoadSegmentsView, RoadSegmentsUpdateView, CreateRoadSegmentView, HighIntensityRoadSegmentsView, MediumIntensityRoadSegmentsView, LowIntensityRoadSegmentsView
This file has a total of 20 URL’s:
urlpatterns = [
# Home page
path('', TrafficReadingsView.as_view(), name='home'),
# Traffic Readings
path('traffic-readings/', TrafficReadingsView.as_view(), name='all-traffic-readings'),
path('traffic-readings/<int:pk>/', TrafficReadingsUpdateView.as_view(), name='individual-traffic-reading'),
path('traffic-readings/high-intensity/', HighIntensityTrafficReadingsView.as_view(), name='high-intensity-traffic-readings'),
path('traffic-readings/medium-intensity/', MediumIntensityTrafficReadingsView.as_view(), name='medium-intensity-traffic-readings'),
path('traffic-readings/low-intensity/', LowIntensityTrafficReadingsView.as_view(), name='low-intensity-traffic-readings'),
path('create-traffic-reading/', CreateTrafficReadingView.as_view(), name='create-traffic-reading'),
# Road Segments
path('road-segments/', RoadSegmentsView.as_view(), name='all-road-segments'),
path('road-segments/<int:pk>/', RoadSegmentsUpdateView.as_view(), name='individual-road-segment'),
path('road-segments/high-intensity/', HighIntensityRoadSegmentsView.as_view(), name='high-intensity-road-segments'),
path('road-segments/medium-intensity/', MediumIntensityRoadSegmentsView.as_view(), name='medium-intensity-road-segments'),
path('road-segments/low-intensity/', LowIntensityRoadSegmentsView.as_view(), name='low-intensity-road-segments'),
path('create-road-segment/', CreateRoadSegmentView.as_view(), name='create-road-segment'),
# Sensors
path('sensors/', SensorsView.as_view(), name='all-sensors'),
path('sensors/<int:pk>/', SensorsUpdateView.as_view(), name='individual-sensor'),
path('sensors-readings/', SensorReadingsView.as_view(), name='sensors-readings'),
path('sensors-readings/<int:pk>/', SensorReadingsUpdateView.as_view(), name='individual-sensor-readings'),
path('create-sensor-reading/', CreateSensorReadingView.as_view(), name='create-sensor-reading'),
# Cars
path('cars/', CarsView.as_view(), name='all-cars'),
path('cars/<str:car_license_plate>/', CarDetailsView.as_view(), name='individual-car'),
Here is a table describing each endpoint:
Endpoint | URL | Description |
All traffic readings | | This page will display all traffic readings, as well as their intensity. |
Individual traffic reading | | Here, you can access, edit and delete the information about any individual traffic reading (used 10 as an example). |
Traffic readings with high intensity | | This page will show only the traffic readings that are characterised as high intensity. |
Traffic readings with medium intensity | | This page will show only the traffic readings that are characterised as medium intensity. |
Traffic readings with low intensity | | This page will show only the traffic readings that are characterised as low intensity. |
Create a new traffic reading | | Here you will be able to specify a road segment and speed value to create a new traffic reading. |
All road segments | | This page will display all road segments, and how many traffic readings each segment has. |
Individual road segment | | Here, you can access, edit and delete the information about individual road segments, as well as details from its traffic readings. |
Road segments with high intensity | | This page will show only the road segments that are characterised as high intensity. |
Road segments with medium intensity | | This page will show only the road segments that are characterised as medium intensity. |
Road segments with low intensity | | This page will show only the road segments that are characterised as low intensity. |
Create a new road segments | | Here you will be able to specify the coordinates and length values to create a new road segments. |
All sensors | | This page will display all sensors available. |
Individual sensor | | Here, you can access, edit and delete the information about any individual sensor (used 3 as an example). |
All sensor readings | | This page will display all of the registered sensor readings. |
Create a sensor reading | | Here you will be able to specify a license plate, the timestamp, road segment and sensor to create a new sensor reading. |
All cars registered | | This page will display all cars registered, and when they were created. |
Individual car | | Here, you can access the car data by license plate and view details about readings from the last 24h (used 'AA11AA' as an example). |
Admin | | This is for the admin to login/logout, and perform any kind of user management. |
API Swagger | | Here you will find interactive documentation regarding the API. |
Testing the API
To test user permissions, in the traffic_api/
I created 8 tests:
For anonymous users:
- Can read;
- Can not create;
- Can not update;
- Can not delete.
For the admin user:
- Can read;
- Can create;
- Can update;
- Can delete.
Here is an example to test anonymous permissions: it tries to create a new road segment and then checks if the status code from the HTTP response is “forbidden”.
# Test 2 - Can an anonymous user create data?
class TestAnonymousUserCreate(APITestCase):
def test_anonymous_user_create_road_segment(self):
url = reverse('create-road-segment')
road_segment_data = {"long_start": 100.123, "lat_start": 30.456, "long_end": 105.789, "lat_end": 60.123, "speed": 35.35, "length": 72.55}
response =, road_segment_data, format="json")
# Assert that anonymous users can not create road segments (status code 403 Forbidden)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
Here is an example to test admin permission: it authenticates as admin, tries to create a new road segment and then checks if the status code from the HTTP response is “created”.
# Test 6 - Can the admin user create the data?
class TestAdminUserCreate(APITestCase):
def test_admin_user_create_road_segment(self):
# Authenticate as the admin
self.admin_user = User.objects.create_user(username="test_admin_user", password="test_admin_password")
self.admin_user.is_staff = True # Assign admin role
# Create a row of data
url = reverse('create-road-segment')
road_segment_data = {"long_start": 100.123, "lat_start": 30.456, "long_end": 105.789, "lat_end": 60.123, "speed": 35.35, "length": 72.55}
response =, road_segment_data, format="json")
# Assert that the admin user can create road segments (status code 201 created)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
The same logic applies for all other tests.
Project Improvements
There are a couple of features that need some improvement. I will write here the ones I am aware of:
- Optimisation for scaling - the methods used to get some properties are not suited for efficient use when considering large amounts of data.
- Tokenize sensor readings - I tried to implement a permission so that only POST requests with a certain token would be able to create new sensor readings, but it was not working with my tests.
- Bulk sensor readings - each sensor should accumulate a records and then send these records in bulk to the platform, but I only implemented single sensor reading creations.